Government Resources: Federal, State, and Local

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Government Resources: Federal, State, and Local

Government sites can provide useful statistics related to your topic, as well as information on statistics, laws and other government approaches to an issue.

If you want to start a business or expand a business or promote a business – you need to know something about the population that you will be targeting, the state or county economic environment, and possibly competitive establishments that may already be there.

All of this information is provided by government sources.  Depending on what it is you are trying to find, some of the information you may be looking for will be provided by Federal government resources, such as the U.S. Census, other information will be provided by State agencies, such as Department of Business & Economic Development, and still other information from local agencies within the County or city.

Federal Resources


Start With...

American FactFinder Links to an external site. is a good starting point for finding statistics on many different topics including population, housing and economic data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau. 

Refer to sites listed below to supplement and add to information as needed.

Maryland State Resources 


Start With...

Department of Business & Economic Development Links to an external site. is a good starting point for a wide range of information on how to start a business in the State of Maryland.  

Refer to sites listed below to supplement and add to information as needed.

Local Government Resources

Depending on which geographical location you are interested in obtaining data and information, refer to the sites listed below as needed.




For assistance developing your research strategies, or finding resources for your topic, or any other questions, please contact the government information specialist:

Celina Nichols (