University Newspapers / Wire

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Finding University Newspapers / Wire

Use the LexisNexis Academic Links to an external site. database to locate news articles from university and other educational publications. There are quite a few steps!

Step 1: Click on - FInd - upper right


Step 2: In the Keyword Box, type university wire

Step 3: Click on Find Sources

Step 4:  Check the University Wire box

Step 5: Click on OK - Continue

Enter Search terms.
This search example = locating information on gender neutral housing.

"gender neutral" AND (housing OR dorm* OR "residence hall*") 

* = truncation = dorm* = dorm or dorms or dormitory or dormitories
phrases in quotes = "residence hall*" = residence  hall or residence halls

Step 7: Click on Search

Step 8: Results - click on Expanded List for article content 



For assistance developing your research strategies, or finding resources for your topic, or any other questions, please contact Public Policy & Government and Politics specialist:

Judy Markowitz (