ACS Citation Style

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ACS Citation Style


Different disciplines (research subject areas) use different citation styles. It is important to use the citation style for the discipline you are writing for, so that you're consistent with the norms of that discipline, making it easier for people in that discipline to follow your research trail.


For this class, you will need to cite your sources using the American Chemical Society (ACS) style. This is most likely different from the citation styles you have used in the past, so make sure you review the style guide carefully.


The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information (look for the section on References)


Highlights of ACS Style

Here are a couple highlights of ACS style that may be different from styles you've used in other classes:

Include every author

In your reference list, include all author names (last names and first initials) for each cited item. Separate author names with semicolons.

Journal abbreviations

Titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the standard abbreviation used in CASSI (Chemical Abstract Service Source Index). Journal titles that are only one word long remain as they are.