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Finding Business Information
Researching business topics requires an interdisciplinary approach. The listings below are University of Maryland databases and free websites relating to business research. These important sources include: Google, selected Federal, State, Local Government, Education and University of Maryland Resource sites.
Searching by Specific Domains for Background Information |
Start With...
Google Links to an external a great place to begin your search.You can get authoritative, reliable information from Google by limiting your search to a particular domain.
This module will introduce you to Google's three core domains – education, organization and government. The examples below are based on the topic - should student athletes be paid.
- To get the education perspective for your topic - how it is treated in a school setting, i.e. university, college, high school, elementary school (issues dealing with programs/students/faculty) – use the .edu domain – pay student athletes pro con
- To get the perspective from associations or other non profit agencies use the .org domain –
site:org pay students athletes pro con
- To get the government perspective – how do the different government agencies view your particular topic or issue - use the .gov domain
site:gov pay students athletes pro con
Try these domains to see what thought-provoking results you can find on your topic.
This is a quick and effective way to find information. However - be vigilant, pay attention as to the source of the information? what are the author's credentials? or the credentials of the organization - are they biased? is the data current? do links work? is there a bibliography of sources used? Carefully examine each site. Information from government agencies and organizations is usually reliable and authoritative, but you still need to be pay attention and critically evaluate each source
"Tips & Tricks" for searching the web - Infographic: Get More Out of Google Links to an external site.-
Business Intelligence Network |
The sources below are listed in the sequence that one might use when projects deal with marketing to consumers, developing a business or a product, designing a new program, business or marketing plans etc.
Start With...
American Factfinder Links to an external site. - data about your consumer/audience
- MD Department of Business & Economic Development Links to an external site. - how to start a business in Maryland
Links to an external site. - use for consumer or audience profile, who are they? their lifestyles, attitudes, purchasing habits..
Video Tutorial Links to an external site.
- IBIS World Links to an external site. - provides analysis of over 700 industries, including trends, outlook, etc.
Business Source Complete
Links to an external site. - articles covering every aspect of business, industry reports, includes SWOT analysis reports.
Video Tutorial
- VBIC: Virtual Business Information Center Links to an external site. -use to find information on a variety of business topics
- Sample Business Plans Links to an external site. ... and ... Marketing Plans Links to an external site.
- Links to an external site. - connects small businesses to services & programs provided by the US government
- Montgomery County Links to an external site. - information on doing business in Montgomery county (permits, licenses, etc.)
- Prince George's County Links to an external site.- information on doing business in PG County (permits, licenses, etc.)
- Small Business Admin. (SBA) Links to an external site. - wealth of information for starting a small business (financing, taxes, etc.)
- SCORE: Counselors to Small Business Links to an external site. - mentoring & free advice on all aspects of starting/ running a business
University of Maryland Resources
The sources listed below are useful when projects deal with campus or education related issues.
Start With...
Search UM Links to an external site. - search engine for University of Maryland web site
- Campus Counts (University of Maryland statistics) Links to an external site.
- Changing Curriculum? Programs? Links to an external site.- who to contact and how to go about adding course or program to a curriculum
- Diamondback Newspaper Archives Links to an external site.
- Campus Recreation Services Links to an external site.
- Department of Public Safety: University Police Links to an external site.
- Dining Services Links to an external site.
- Campus Sustainability Links to an external site.
Not-For-Profit |
Start With...
GuideStar: National Database of Nonprofits Links to an external site. is the most complete source of information about U.S. charities and other nonprofit organizations.
- Non-Profit Guide: Grant-Writing Tools for Non-Profit Organizations Links to an external site.
- Foundation Center Links to an external site.
- Nonprofit Good Practice Guide Links to an external site.
- National Council of Nonprofits Links to an external site.
- Nonprofit Genie (FAQs) Links to an external site.
For assistance developing your research strategies, or finding resources for your topic, or any other questions, please contact business specialists:
Zaida Díaz ( and Lily Griner (