Is Your Computer Ready for an Online Course?

Given the variety of browser types and versions in existence, it is no wonder that compatibility problems can arise.  View the appropriate documentation to make sure your browser choice and version will work with ELMS-Canvas.  These documents also provide links to current versions of Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash Player, and Java plug-ins, all of which may be needed to interact with specific kinds of content that your instructor may make available in a course.

Firefox pop-up blocker.jpg

Minimum Requirements for Browser/Plug-in Compatibility Using ELMS on a Windows Computer  Links to an external site.

Minimum Requirements for Browser/Plug-in Compatibility Using ELMS on a Macintosh Computer Links to an external site.

These documents will also provide steps for ensuring that your browser's pop-up blocker is configured to allow for pop-up windows in ELMS-Canvas (absolutely necessary in order to engage with the Quiz tool).