Module 3: Law Cases

home_home.jpg MODULE 1: Information Literacy Concepts
MODULE 2: Research Pro Tips
MODULE 3: Finding Information by Topic


Finding Law Cases

Use the WestlawNext Campus Research (Links to an external site.) database.

Search for a known case by citation (best) or case name.

Case Citation:

Rapanos v. U.S. 547 U.S. 715 (2006)

Search by citation:


Although it is easier to locate cases when you already have the citation or case name  (referenced in BNA or Law Review articles!) you can search for cases by using natural language or  keyword/s and connectors. 

Natural Language:
asian carp invasive species


Results: Notice on the left, under VIEW:,  the breakdown of the different types of materials  (cases, statutes, regulations...) Cases are listed first.



For assistance developing your research strategies, or finding resources for your topic, or any other questions, please contact Public Policy & Government and Politics specialist:

Judy Markowitz (