Module 3: University Newspapers/Wire

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Finding University Newspapers / Wire

To access college and university newspapers click on Nexis Uni Links to an external site.(formerly Lexis/Nexis Academic), and search University Wire as per example below.

Step 1: Click on - A Publication

NexisUni UniversityWire Step1-1.png


Step 2: Type University Wire under Find Publication search box (see below). Click on University Wire link as it begins to appear 

NexisUni UniversityWire Step2.png 

Step 3: Enter key words to be searched in University Wire

One can broaden a search by combining synonyms using the OR boolean connector;  Narrow a search by combining ideas using the AND boolean connector, as per exampe below.  In addition using the  "Search Within Results" search box will also  narrow search.  

Topic:  Recruiting students for membership in a sorority or a fraternity:

"recruit*" AND (sororit* OR fraternit*) 

* = truncation = recruit* or recruiting or recruitment

NexisUni UniversityWire Step3-1.png




For assistance developing your research strategies, or finding resources for your topic, or any other questions, please contact Public Policy & Government and Politics specialist:

Judy Markowitz (