Conducting an Interview

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Watch this video presented by Graham Gibbs, University of Huddersfield, UK - to learn the 10 criteria one needs to keep in mind when doing a research interview. 



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Books on Interviewing


Qualitative Interviewing - Herbert J. Rubin; Irene S. Rubin (Links to an external site.)

Call Number: BF637.I5 S75 2008
ISBN: 9781412978378
Publication Date: 2011-10-11
The book describes in-depth qualitative interviewing from the very beginning to last step, from its underlying philosophy and assumptions to project design, analysis and write up. In responsive interviewing, the stages of research-design, data gathering, and analysis-are intimately linked. Researchers perform analysis throughout their projects, not just at the end, so that as they learn more, they can modify both the research problem they are exploring and the questions they ask. The book assumes no prior knowledge or experience, and the authors' tone is conversational, revealing that interviewers can make mistakes, recover from them and still obtain rich and meaningful information.



book2.jpg Interviewing - Gail Sedorkin (Links to an external site.)
Call Number: PN4784.I6 S43 2011
ISBN: 9781742370941
Publication Date: 2011-09-01
This practical guide to all aspects of interviewing for print and broadcast journalists demonstrates step-by-step how to manage the interview process, including how to prepare, what to do when you don't have time to prepare, the difference between "soft" and "hard" interviews, and how to make the most out of any interview situation.
- WorldCat summary