8. Addressing academic integrity and academic dishonesty

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Academic Integrity & Academic Dishonesty

 As a university student, an important part of your education is learning to conduct yourself with honesty and respect and to treat others fairly. This not only applies to your personal interactions, but to all your academic work as well. We call this "academic integrity," and it is expected of everyone in an academic community, your professors included.

UMD has a policy on academic integrity, as well as several offices for upholding academic integrity and resolving issues of academic dishonesty. The consequences for academic dishonesty are severe, and can include being expelled from the university.

UMD Code of Academic Integrity Links to an external site.
The official University policy, including definitions for academic dishonesty.

What is Academic Integrity and Misconduct
 (Links to an external site.)
 Ryerson University in Toronto gives a good overview of academic integrity issues