MODULE 1: Information Literacy Concepts-2

home_home.jpg MODULE 1: Information Literacy Concepts
MODULE 2: Research Pro Tips
MODULE 3: Finding Information by Subject




This module includes the following topics:

  1. Backing it Up: Using Evidence to Support a Rhetorical Argument
  2. What is a "Good" Source? Determining the Validity of Evidence
  3. Who Decides What Is Valid? The Peer Review Process
  4. So What Should I Write On? Researching and Developing a Topic You Like
  5. I Like It, But Will It Work? Developing a Feasible Topic
  6. How Do I Even Read That? Understanding Scholarly Articles
  7. Why Do I Have To Do That? Scholarship, Attribution, Citation, and Plagiarism
  8. Who Is Going To Read This? Writing for a Specific Audience
  9. Academic Integrity & Academic Dishonesty


After completing this module, you will be able to...

  • Apply given criteria to evaluate scholarly and popular sources for authority and validity.
  • Develop a specific, feasible research question from a general topic.
  • Understand the importance of citations.