Module 3: Computer & Physical Sciences
MODULE 1: Information Literacy Concepts MODULE 2: Research Pro Tips MODULE 3: Finding Information by Subject |
Finding Computer & Physical Sciences Information
UMD Libraries' Full Text Databases |
For more information, check the full list of databases for computer science Links to an external site., physics Links to an external site., or select databases by subject from the Database Finder homepage Links to an external site.. |
Searching Google by Specific Domain |
Google (Links to an external site.)is a great place to begin your search.You can get authoritative, reliable information from Google by limiting your search to a particular domain. Below you will find tips on how to find information in Google's three core domains – education, organization and government. The examples are based on the topic: How should NASA spend its money?
site:edu how should nasa spend its money
site:org how should nasa spend its money
site:gov how should nasa spend its money Try these domains to see what results you can find on your topic. This is a quick and effective way to find information. However - be vigilant and pay attention to the source of the information. What are the author's credentials? What are the credentials of the organization - are they biased? Is the data current? Do links work? Is there a bibliography of sources used? Carefully examine each site. Information from government agencies and organizations is usually reliable and authoritative, but you still need to be pay attention and critically evaluate each source |
Questions? For assistance developing your research strategies, or finding resources for your topic, or any other questions, please contact public health specialists: Nevenka Zdravkovska, Full Directory Info. Links to an external site. |