Module 3: Contact a Librarian

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Module 1
Steps of Research

Module 2
Research Strategies

Unsure of what you want to research?  Not finding sources on your topic?  Uncertain how a source should be cited?  Ask a librarian!

Librarians are here to help you at any point in your research process, whether you are coming up with a topic, conducting research and finding sources, citing your sources, or writing up your findings.  There are many different ways to get in touch with the library.


Online Chat

You can have a live chat session Links to an external site.with one of our librarians during normal business hours.  Chat is available Monday-Thursday, 8 AM to 9 PM, and 8 AM to 6PM on Friday.


Subject Specialists

Most of our librarians work primarily with a few specific subjects, and are experts in conducting research in those fields.  Feel free to email them if you are stuck at any point in your research process!

These are a few librarians that work with professional writing students regularly, though any librarian will be happy to help you:

Performing Arts:

Drew Barker ( and Steve Henry (


Lily Griner ( and Zaida Díaz (


Svetla Baykoucheva (

Computer Science 

Nevenka Zdravskovska (


Tahirah Akbar-Williams (


Sarah Over (

Government Information:

Celina McDonald (


Nedelina Tchangalova (

Law and Legal Issues:

Celina McDonald (


Don't see your topic listed here?  Consult the full directory of subject specialists. Links to an external site.


You can also submit any questions to LibAnswers Links to an external site., and they will go to the appropriate librarian to be answered.  Please allow two business days for any response.