Module 3: Health

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Home Page
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Module 1
Steps of Research

Module 2
Research Strategies


Articles & Databases

For more databases:

  1. Go to Database Finder Links to an external site. (click Health and Medicine or any other subject of interest)
  2. Visit Public Health subject guide Links to an external site..



Federal Web Sites

For more health web sites, visit Public Health subject guide Links to an external site..

Evaluating medical/health information on the free Internet:



Health and Medical Statistics

To find statistics, check the Health and Medical Statistics subject guide Links to an external site..

Keep in mind that sources used to compile health and medical data include:

  • Clinical studies - prospective and retrospective
  • Medical literature (journals)
  • Hospital discharge records (National Hospital Discharge Survey)
  • Government records showing amounts spent on Medicare and Medicaid
  • Insurance company records
  • Censuses
  • Death investigations by coroners and medical examiners
  • Surveillance by public health departments and universities
  • Reports from clinics, hospitals, doctors, and other healthcare practitioners by the Centers for Disease Control and other health-related agencies
  • Sampling and surveys by the National Center for Health Statistics and other agencies
  • Disease registries
  • Interviews




For assistance developing your research strategies, or finding resources for your topic, or any other questions, please contact public health specialists:

Nedelina (UMD Libraries, College Park). Profile Links to an external site. 
Eileen (Priddy Library, Shady Grove Library). Profile Links to an external site.