Registration to a Map Projection (cwregister2)
The cwregister2 tool resamples a data file to a new data grid, converting the data from level 2 to level 3 Links to an external site. or from one level 3 map projection to another. After resampling to a common grid, data from heterogeneous sources can be inter-compared and combined. The destination data grid is a map projection Links to an external site. such as geographic (equally spaced lat/lon), Mercator, polar stereographic, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), etc.
Use the following command to register the AVHRR SST data file from its native level 2 swath projection to a level 3 UTM map projection:
cwregister2 -v --match '(sea_surface_temperature|quality_level)' example_avhrr_swath_sst_sep_2022_utm.hdf
You should see the registration running in verbose mode as follows:
The default for cwregister2 is to output a UTM projection and resolution that matches the source data. View the output file in CDAT, or render it as follows:
cwrender --enhance sea_surface_temperature --units celsius --range 18/34 --palette Ocean-thermal --coast black/gray40 --grid white --exprmask 'quality_level < 5'/gray example_avhrr_swath_sst_sep_2022_utm.hdf example_avhrr_swath_sst_sep_2022_utm.png
You'll see the following image:
Try the following options in cwregister2 one at a time and view the output data file again:
--proj geo
— Output to a geographic projection--proj mercator
— Output to a Mercator projection--resolution 2
— Use 2 km/pixel in the destination grid
Note that the output file always contains the input data file footprint. You can use the --master
option to specify a template for a destination grid that is completely independent of the input data file. The cwmaster tool described in the next section is a GUI tool for creating master projection templates to be used with cwregister2.
Bonus exercises:
- Look at the manual page for cwregister2 and discover what other options are available. Try making the tool run with only one processor thread.
- Find out how to make cwregister2 run in diagnostic mode and the meaning of the diagnostic output.
- Find out how to make cwregister2 save the source row and column of each destination pixel. When would you ever use that feature?
- Remove the
option and view the resulting output file. You may see warning messages about fill values when running cwregister2. Why would fill values in level 3 data files be important?