Week 2 Assignment: Start Your Project
- Due No Due Date
- Points 0
- Identify which satellite data sets are best suited for your application. You can use one of the CoastWatch Data Catalogs as a starting point if needed. Each of these catalogs points to ERDDAP links. Keep in mind that most CoastWatch nodes distribute global data, not just data for their region.
- West Coast: https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/data.html Links to an external site.
- PolarWatch: https://polarwatch.noaa.gov/catalog/ Links to an external site.
- CoastWatch Central: https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cwn/products.html Links to an external site.
- Central Pacific: https://oceanwatch.pifsc.noaa.gov/doc.html Links to an external site.
- Great Lakes: https://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/ Links to an external site.
- Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico https://cwcaribbean.aoml.noaa.gov/ Links to an external site.
- erddap.com may also be a useful source of data to explore
- Make a list of options
- Select best option to start with
- Find the data on ERDDAP
- Post on slack about your choices and link the data sources URLs for discussion. Explain what date range and spatial resolution you need, explain which time composite you decided to use (daily, weekly, monthly) and why you chose the specific product. If you're not sure, explain which products you are considering, try to think of pros and cons of each option, and instructors can help guide your choice.