More R Tutorials
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These tutorials were developed by the CoastWatch West Coast Node and provide more code examples for extracting data from the ERDDAP data servers using the rxtracto R library. (some of them are very similar to the R Tutorials you just completed).
Extract data within a boundary Links to an external site.
In this exercise, you will download data from within the boundaries of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) and visualize the data in a map. -
Matchups satellite data to an animal tracks Links to an external site.
In this exercise you will extract satellite data around a set of points defined by longitude, latitude, and time coordinates like that produced by an animal telemetry tag, a ship track, or a glider tract. -
Create timeseries from satellite data Links to an external site.
This exercise extracts a time series of monthly satellite chlorophyll data for the period of 1997-present from four different monthly satellite datasets. -
Matchup satellite to buoy data Links to an external site.
In this exercise you will extract buoy data from ERDDAP tabular data and then extract satellite data that is coincident with the buoy data. -
Define a marine habitat Links to an external site.
In this exercise you will plot the thermal boundary of loggerhead sea turtles using satellite sea surface temperature. -
Reprojecting satellite and buoy data Links to an external site.
In exercise, we will obtain cruise track data from a research ship, in-situ buoy data, and satellite sea surface temperature data from the PolarWatch ERDDAP data server and then plot all three types of the data on a map in an Alaska Albers projection. -
Accessing projected datasets Links to an external site.
This exercise demonstrates techniques for working with sea ice data served in polar stereographic map projection.