Who to contact after this week

If you have any questions or issues after the class, you are always welcome to contact CoastWatch.

As a reminder, this class webpage and all the resources will remain online after the class and for the foreseeable future.


If you want to keep up to date with CoastWatch, consider signing up to our newsletter Links to an external site..

NOAA CoastWatch also organizes monthly seminars advertised as part of the NOAA science seminar series: 
https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/star/NOAAScienceSeminars.php Links to an external site.


The main CoastWatch helpdesk email is: coastwatch.info at noaa.gov

Main CoastWatch website: https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw/index.html Links to an external site.


Regional Node Website Manager Ops Manager
East Coast 

https://eastcoast.coastwatch.noaa.gov/ Links to an external site.

Michelle Tomlinson

Ronald Vogel

Great Lakes 

https://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/ Links to an external site.

Andrea VanderWoude

Songzhi Liu

Atlantic & Gulf of Mexico

https://cwcaribbean.aoml.noaa.gov/ Links to an external site.

Gustavo Goni

Joaquin Trinanes

West Coast 

https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/ Links to an external site.

Cara Wilson

Dale Robinson

Polar regions 

https://polarwatch.noaa.gov/ Links to an external site.

Cara Wilson

Dale Robinson

Sun Bak-Hospital

OceanWatch Central Pacific 

https://oceanwatch.pifsc.noaa.gov/ Links to an external site.

Ryan Rykaczewski

Hui Shi  (Daisy)


Melanie Abecassis



All email addresses are firstname.lastname@noaa.gov