Week 2 - Overview

On Wednesday Jan. 25th, we kick off Week 2 with a live session at 3pm EST using Google Meet.

The live session will include some polling questions on Slido, and a demo of the NOAA CoastWatch Data Portal and Q&A. We'll go other the week's activities/materials.

After the session, view this week's activities listed here.

The videos cover an introduction to ocean color, sea surface temperature, altimetry, salinity and winds, as well as a primer on how to select the best dataset for your project.
The tutorial will guide you through the basics of working with NetCDF files in R, Python, ArcGIS or Matlab (Pick one!).


Ocean Satellite Products 

Video: Ocean Color - 20 min

Video: Sea surface Temperature - 15 min

Video: Sea Surface Height, Altimetry, Winds, and Salinity - 20 min

Video: How to select the best dataset for your project - 14 min


How to work with NetCDF data in your software of choice (pick 1)


      Video: Intro to Using R with Satellite Data - 10 mins

      Tutorial: R Tutorial 1



      Tutorial: Python Tutorial 1



      Tutorial: Matlab Tutorial 1



      Video: Using Satellite Data in ArcGIS - 11 mins

      Video: Selecting and Using Data in ArcGIS - 11 mins

      Tutorial: ArcGIS Tutorial 1 



Quiz: Week 2 review

Assignment: Get started on your project