Week 3 - Overview

On Wednesday Feb 1st, we kick off Week 3 with a live session at 3pm EST using Google Meet.

The live session will include some polling questions on Slido, and a demo of the NOAA CoastWatch Utilities and Q&A. We'll go other the week's activities/materials.

After the session, view this week's activities listed here.

The videos cover an introduction to water quality and sea ice.
The tutorials will guide you through some common tasks you might want to tackle in your research: plotting timeseries, extracting data within a shapefile and doing some match ups between in situ locations and satellite data.



Video: Water Quality - 20 min

Video: Sea Ice - 20 min


Tutorials in your software of choice (pick 1)


      Tutorials: R Tutorials 2-4



      Tutorials: Python Tutorials 2-4



      Tutorials: Matlab Tutorials 2-4



     Tutorial: ArcGIS Tutorial 2



Quiz: Week 3 review

Assignment: Make a plot related to your project