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Home Page
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Module 1
Steps of Research

Module 2
Research Strategies

Wikipedia's home page with their logo and links to use the site in different langauges

While Wikipedia Links to an external site. may not be the most reliable source, it is a good starting place. You can use it to get an overview of the topic, as well as leads to related topics that will help advance your argument.

Wikipedia articles are also required to have proper citations. This lets you verify the article's claims, and provides you with a list of other, often more scholarly works on the subject in question. You can find the citation for specific claims by clicking on the blue number in brackets at the end of the sentence, like this: [1]. To see all the sources, scroll down to the References section under the main article. Some articles even have suggested lists of further reading or other sources, like this:

Screenshot of the reference and further reading sections of the Wikipedia article for puppies


1. ^ You can return to the same place in the article by clicking the up arrow before the citation.