Audience & Bias

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Video from PBS on Implicit Bias Links to an external site.: This video from Ethics Unwrapped introduces the behavioral ethics bias known as implicit bias.  Implicit bias exists when people unconsciously hold attitudes toward others or associate stereotypes with them.

Knowing your audience is the most important aspect in the development of your proposal. You should understand enough about your audience to know what their desires and goals are, how they define themselves, and what words and behaviors are likely to turn them off to your proposal.

 “Communication takes place in the mind of the listener not the speaker” – Peter Druker, Educator, Author 

Video on Coursera on Audience Research: Links to an external site. a four minute video on the importance of researching who your audience is, their beliefs, etc. so you can tailor your presentation to better reach them.

Audience Adaptation: Links to an external site. discusses issues important to defining an audience

Audience Demographics & Psychographics

The sources below will help you identify audience demographics: age, gender, education level, religion, language, etc.

  • Links to an external site. - demographics about communities, can search by state, county, city, or zip code – use for audience details, i.e., education, income, housing, etc.   
  • Policy Map: Links to an external site.  provides access to over 15,000 indicators related to demographics, housing, health, crime, education, jobs from more than 150 authoritative public and proprietary sources

The sources below will help you identify audience psychographics: attitudes, beliefs, lifestyles

  • Mintel: Links to an external site.  provides data on consumer/audience lifestyles, attitudes, purchasing habits, etc
  • Passport: Links to an external site. provides data on consumer/audience lifestyles in US as well as in over 200 countries - search hint for info on US consumers:  upper right hand side search box type: lifestyles United States
  • Roper iPoll: Links to an external site.  Roper Center for Public Opinion Research (iPoll) provides public opinion surveys.  These surveys gauge the views of a sample population regarding a particular topi; may be useful when defining an audience
  • Pew Research Center Links to an external site.:   "Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research."