The Writing Center

To set up an online or in-person session at the undergraduate Writing Center, visit their website here Links to an external site..

Contact Info

Call (301) 405-3785 or e-mail

1205 Tawes Hall
College Park, MD 20742

While it can serve as a tremendous resource, the Writing Center will not solve all of your problems, no matter how positive a session you have. Rather, it is another tool that you can use throughout the semester, and your time at Maryland, to further develop your skills and basic approach to writing.

Likely, you will benefit more from the Writing Center if you visit multiple times. Often, it takes finding the right tutor to really get everything you can out of the experience. Sometimes, personalities just don't match up, or some tutors will have strengths that others don't. Each time you visit the writing center, please ask the tutor to email me letting me know that you visited. This will help me see the extra effort you put in the course.

You will receive lots of feedback throughout the semester in this class. Most of it you will find helpful (hopefully). Regardless, having as much feedback, from as many perspectives as possible, will likely result in the strongest work. Beyond your instructor's feedback, and the assistance you get during peer review, visiting the Writing Center might give you the extra confidence you need to approach the major assignments in this class.