Front Page

Course Calendar


Please read through the content carefully and follow all instructions. This schedule is subject to change as needed. . Make sure to check the schedule as things will change in order to fulfill course or class needs. Please note we will be holding two weeks of online classes. For online days you will need a microphone and a computer. 

For more information on University dates and scheduling, see:



Online CLASS Day


Face to Face Class


TUESDAY, August 30


Online Asynchronous Class

Please complete this on your own by 6:15 pm today:

  • Write a response to the Introductions question on Yellow Dig. 



Read Learning Module 1: Introduction To Audience Based Writing

Take Module 1: Audience-Based Writing Quiz


    TUESDAY, September 6

    Submit before class: Reflective Assignment 1

    DURING CLASS (Asynchronous) complete by 6:15 pm

    Take Plagiarism Self-Test Links to an external site. 


    THURSDAY, September 8


    Writing for your audience

     Definition Assignment

    . Module 1 Activity 2


    3 TUESDAY, September 13

    COMPLETE DURING CLASS (Asynchronous)

    1. Review Project Proposal

    2. Start thinking of topics you may want to pursue for the final project 

     3. Work on Definition Assignment

    4. Review Peer Review Overview

    5. What is an effective peer review: write response on Yellow Dig


      THURSDAY, September 15


      1. Submit Draft of Definition Assignment for peer review by 5 pm. After 5 pm, the assignment will be marked late. 


      1. Project proposal 

      2. Peer Review Def Assignment

      3. Groups for Final Project

      •  Meet in your groups and come up with a list of 3 possible projects you may wish you work on.  Write down the three topics and why you chose them. You will need this for class on Tuesday.
      • Narrow selection to one that you would like to discuss with class. 


      1. Take comments and editing advice from in-class peer review and begin working on Final Definition Assignment
      2. For extra assistance, consider setting up an appointment at the Writing Center Links to an external site., located in Tawes Hall Links to an external site..

      TUESDAY, September 20 (This week and next week fully online and synchronous)


      Submission of Definition Assignment

      COMPLETE DURING CLASS  (Synchronous, make sure you have a working mic for all synchronous days)

        • Research
        • Topic discussion and presentation

      This will be useful when doing your research:

      • Plan a trip to the library. If you need assistance, ask a librarian. 
      • Answer these questions regarding your project and submit online (getting our groups ideas on paper)
      1. Identify the problem you would like to write about. Why are you interested in this topic?
      2. Who would be my audience?
      3. Why do we think this is a good topic?
      4. Propose a solution that is feasible. Think of real life solutions, nothing is theoretical in professional writing.
      5. What is our credibility with the primary audience?
      6. What are 5 sources we could use for our paper? 
      THURSDAY, September 22


      DURING CLASS  (Online Synchronous)

      1.Review Secondary Research Overview 

      2. Reflective Essay 2


      Do secondary research on projects considering. Come up with at least 5 sources that you could potentially use for your proposal. 

      Answer getting your groups ideas on paper due Monday. 


      Monday submit getting your groups ideas on paper 

      Tuesday, September 27


      COMPLETE DURING CLASS (Synchronous)

      1. Instructions assignment overview
      2. Answer question about instructions on YellowDig
      3. Memo format
      4. Project proposal
      THURSDAY, September 29

      DURING CLASS (Synchronous)

      1.  Surveys and Interviews Overview

      2. Feedback on last two weeks

      3.  Answer any questions about assignments

      4. Groups Go to the library and work on the ten sources for your proposal. Make sure your proposal is viable. 

      5. What are conferences?


      TUESDAY, October 4

       COMPLETE DURING CLASS (Asynchronous)

      1. Work on Survey Assignment/Interview

      2. Prepare for Conferences

      3. Work on project proposal


      THURSDAY, October 6


      Submit Project Proposal Draft  


       1. Aristotle's Rhetorical Triangle

      2. Sign up for conferences

      3. Peer review project proposal (due by midnight)

      After class:

      1. Take comments and editing advice from in-class peer review and work on Project proposal.
      2. For extra assistance, consider setting up an appointment at the Writing Center Links to an external site., located in Tawes Hall Links to an external site..

      TUESDAY, October 11

      COMPLETE Before CLASS:

      Submit Project Proposal Final Submission

      COMPLETE DURING CLASS (Asynchronous)

      1 Review Learning Module 5: Final Project: Creating A Professional Level Technical Document

      answer question on Yellow Dig

      THURSDAY, October 13

      COMPLETE Before CLASS:

      Survey Assignment Rough Draft



      Raise your standards response

      Survey Assignment Peer Review

      Final Project discuss in detail 


      TUESDAY, October 18

      Submit Final Survey Assignment by 5 pm

      Submit Group Evaluation Feedback  by Wednesday, October 19 at 5 pm

      No class

      Conferences for all groups scheduled for October 20. Please come at your scheduled group time with the completed document printed. 

      THURSDAY, October 20


      Room 1221 TWS

      (PWP Conference Room)



      TUESDAY, October 25

      Submit before 5 pm : Reflective Assignment 2 

      During class: (asynchronous)

      Meet in group and decide how to proceed with your project. Then submit a memo updating me by  6:15 pm. 

      Read and reflect upon Module 2: Instructions and take Module 2 Quiz.

      THURSDAY , October 27

      DURING CLASS: We will not be meeting during class. Conduct primary research.

      Conduct Final Project primary Research (survey/interview)

      While you do not have to do this during our specific class time, doing so might be most convenient. You and your group members may decide upon a convenient time.


      TUESDAY, November 1

      DURING CLASS (Synchronous)

      1. Reflective Assignment 3

      2. Transmittal letter and audience analysis 

      3. Outline of Final Project

      4. Counter Arguments : Submit counterarguments for your project


      THURSDAY, November 3

      Instructions Assignment (bring a hard copy of the instructions, submit online, and bring material for one student to perform the instructions in class)

      Before Class


      Instructions Assignment


      TUESDAY, November 8

      COMPLETE DURING CLASS (Asynchronous)

      Review Module 5

      Answer question on YellowDig about module 5.

      Work on outline of Final Project/transmittal letter/audience analysis

      THURSDAY, November 10


      Watch the video

      respond to the video Dananjaya Hettiarachchi World Champion of Public Speaking 2014

      Outline of Final Project - work in groups

      Oral Presentations

      Sign up for online conferences

      Sign up for oral presentations


      TUESDAY, November 15


      1. Submit Transmittal letter and audience analysis for peer review by 5 pm
      2. COMPLETE DURING CLASS  (Asynchronous)
      3. Peer review transmittal letter and audience analysis by 6:15 pm. 

      THURSDAY, November 17

      COMPLETE Before CLASS:

      Submit: Outline of Final Project

      DURING CLASS (Asynchronous)

      Peer review outline of final project by 6:15 pm

      If you would like to meet virtually during class or office hours, please email me. 


      TUESDAY, November 22


      1.Submit  Reflective Assignment 3 by 5 pm

      COMPLETE DURING CLASS (Asynchronous)

      Work on Group Evaluation and Learning Memo

      Work on group project. 

       THURSDAY, November 24

      No class



      TUESDAY, November 29


      1. Submit Final Project Rough Draft by 5 pm today
      2. (you have until December 1 at 5:00 to complete the peer review)

       Conferences online, come at  your scheduled online time

      THURSDAY, December 1

      COMPLETE Before CLASS:

      Submit Group Evaluation and Learning Memo

      Complete Peer Review of Final Project Draft


      1. Oral PresentationsProject Presentations

      TUESDAY, December 6

      Conferences online, come at your scheduled online time

      Work on final projects and presentations



       THURSDAY, December 8

      Submit Final Project (online and hard copy by 5 pm)

      Late work will not be accepted. 


      Oral PresentationsProject Presentations


      Links to an external site.