Extended Definition Second Draft Peer Review Instructions
Read your partner’s extended definition draft and respond to the questions on the rubric. Make sure to mark on the paper. Do not download and then attach as a file with your comments..
II. PEER REVIEW QUESTIONS (use these questions as guidance as you peer review and try to touch upon them in your feedback).
1. What is the term/problem/concept? Does the author seem sufficiently comfortable with the term? What components of the term might need further research? Has this term been defined elsewhere, online, etc. (Do a quick search and see what you find)? If so, how is this extended definition different/unique?
2. Who is the audience? Are they real and specific (as in, has the author built on what was provided in the table and introduced additional real (uninvented) details about the audience)? What do they know? What don’t they know? Why do they need this extended definition? What will they use it for? Are there other potential important attributes of this audience that could be mentioned and then catered to in the definition?
3. Who is the publisher/author of the document? Are they real and specific (again, has the author built on what was provided in the table and introduced additional real (uninvented) details about the author)? Is their perspective/intention clearly articulated?
4. What is the format for this extended definition? Is this an appropriate format, or should something else be chosen? What are important design qualities of this format that will be important for the audience? What still needs to be done?
5. How is the extended definition organized? Is it logical, user-friendly, straightforward? Should certain sections be moved?
6. What sub-terms/jargon still need to be defined within the extended definition? What other information does this specific intended audience need to know/learn in order to more fully comprehend the primary term?
7. Are the illustrations useful? Easy to read/understand? Are there additional illustrations that would be useful?
8. What other techniques of definition would be useful? For example, is there a particular analogy that the audience would find useful when considering the term? Refer to the list of the 11 techniques of extended definition.