Final Project First Draft Peer Review Instructions
Please copy and paste the appropriate set of questions, depending on document type, into your peer-review partner’s paper, answering each question in detail.
Don’t simply answer yes/no; please provide detailed examples and suggestions.
I. Recommendation Reports
1. Is the specific problem being addressed clearly identified, in terms appropriate and persuasive to the audience? Does the writer prove that the problem actually exists? Considering the background/position of the audience, is the introduction appropriate? Please explain.
2. Does the writer seem sufficiently knowledgeable in regards to issues immediately relevant to the problem, on campus or at other institution(s) involved? Please explain.
3. Does the introduction provide ample, relevant secondary research? What kinds of secondary research? Provide examples. If not, what are examples of further secondary research to be pursued?
4. Does the writer compare/contrast with other similar departments, schools, institutions, offices, or whatever is relevant for the topic? As a reader, do you feel as though you understand how this particular subject fits within a larger context?
Research and Findings
1. Has the author conducted sufficient, relevant primary research, in the form of interviews and/or surveys? If not, why?
2. Does the author draw appropriate, logical conclusions from primary and additional secondary research conducted? Please explain.
1. Based on primary and secondary research outlined so far, does the author suggest logical, feasible recommendations?
2. Are these recommendations credible? How does author ensure their credibility (i.e. How does the author provide a foundation for his/her recommendations beyond personal intuition/experience)? Please explain in detail.
3. Does the author provide sufficient detail to ensure audience can fully conceptualize, and then compare/contrast, recommendations being offered? If not, what other information needs to be provided?
1. Does conclusion clearly and concisely summarize problem and recommendations being offered?
2. Does the conclusion provide the intended audience with ideas for moving forward with the recommendations, and does it motivate them to do so? If not, how can author enhance persuasiveness of the conclusion?
II. SOPs/Onboarding Manuals/Technical Background Reports
1. Is the intended user of the document clearly identified? Please explain.
2. Is the scope of the document clearly identified? Please explain.
1. How would you describe the organization of this report? Thematic? Chronological? By difficulty? Is this the best approach? Why or why not?
2. When considering the intended user of the document, is the document organized logically? Does it clearly meet the user’s needs? Why or why not?
1. Is there jargon? Does the jargon overwhelm the text? Are potentially new terms properly explained, or is there a glossary of terms provided? Should there be?
2.For each new section, are users provided with sufficient context/background? For example, are there introductions to new sections, or does the author simply launch into explanation without context? How can this be improved?
3.When imagining the background/training of the intended user, are the instructions provided within the manual/report sufficiently clear?
4. Does the author maintain consistent tone (formal) and voice (imperative) when providing instructions?
5.Is the document consistently tailored to the audience, or does it seem appropriate for a broader audience? What can the author do to better tailor the document to the audience?
1. If the author uses images, are they clear for the reader, and are they useful?
2. Are the images well-labeled?
3. Are there too few or too many images? What should be provided or removed?