Learning Module 2: Instructions
Module 2: Technical Instructions
In Module 2, we will build on the audience-based writing skills we established in Module 1, applying them to one of the most important components of many technical documents: instructions. Instructions can show up in many different forms, from conducting an experiment, to installing a new program/software, to showing new employees how to complete their work. In the module, we will focus primarily on the art of translating technical material to audiences composed of non-specialists. Not everyone may know how to design and build a digital camera, but most of us like/need to use them.
In addition to peer review, you will also participate in actual usability testing, during which your fellow students will test the instructions you've developed as a small group. As some of you already know, usability testing is an important component of many fields.
Document types that often include detailed (technical) instructions include:
- Standard Operating Procedures Links to an external site.
- Lab Reports Links to an external site.
- Onboarding Manuals Links to an external site.
- User Manuals Links to an external site.
Independent Work
- Completing the readings and videos below
- Taking the Module 2: Technical Instructions Quiz, based on the readings and videos
Collaborative Activities
Drafting the Major Assignment
- This module prepares you to write instructions for those who may have little to no knowledge on a subject.
It takes time and careful planning to develop useful instruction sets. Several problems compound this:
- You know the material, and the audience member(s) for whom you are writing generally don’t. Often, you will probably skip over some details they need.
- Assuming your audience knows nothing at all, you might talk down to them, or give them information they already know, so they skip over half your information and miss key components.
- You don’t have enough graphical illustrations to help the reader move through the process or an image at the start of the presentation that shows what the finished item or process would look like.
- There may be differences in culture, background, etc. that come between you and the audience (this can be a REAL problem in some multinational settings, and even among companies that are part of the same parent company, are linked nationally or geographically, but have vastly different cultures).
Thus, knowing one's audience remains vitally important when providing tailored, technical instructions, which are components of many documents, such as Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), which many of you will be crafting as your final project.
To proceed, please review the Required Readings and Videos below. There are three readings and one video on Instructions, one reading and one video on Usability Testing, and one Grammar video. Once completed, you can move on to the Quiz Links to an external site. before proceeding with your first draft of the Technical Instructions Assignment.
- "Tech Writing Handbook" from Dozuki Links to an external site.
- "Instructions" from Online Technical Writing Links to an external site.
- "Instructions: How to Write Guides for Busy, Grouchy People" Links to an external site.
- Links to an external site."Usability Testing" from Usability.gov Links to an external site.
"Instructions and Processes" from NJIT (14:16)
Links to an external site.
"Parallel Structure or Parallelism" from Smrt English (3:35)
Links to an external site.