Using the ELMS space
There are three different ways to view/access the materials of this course:
- The home page for this course site is set at Modules. In addition to Course Overview and other materials, you are able to see the semester divided into five distinct Learning Modules, each of which revolve around particular learning outcomes and culminate with major assignments. This is the best way to see how everything fits together.
- For more on using Modules in ELMS/Canvas, go here.
- There are major assignments in ENGL393, in addition to numerous draft submissions, peer review and other activities. By using the Assignments tab, you can see all of these items together.
- For more on using Assignments in ELMS/Canvas, go here.
- By using the Pages tab, you will be led to a week-by-week, day-by-day schedule. This is where you can see exactly what is due for homework for any given day, what you are expected to do during an online class session and/or what major assignments are due.
- Though less detailed, the Syllabus tab will show you what major assignments are due throughout the semester. Occasionally, changes will be made, which will be announced in class and through this course space.
- For more on using the Syllabus in ELMS/Canvas, go here.