Active Learning and Metacognition Strategies: Hack Your Brain
- Due Mar 3 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available after Feb 24 at 12am
Note: This assignment is part of your ongoing tutor training, and will count toward future certification. The time you spend completing this should go on your timesheet (but it shouldn't take more than 1 hour total-- 30 minutes for the course and 15-30 minutes for the assignment). Questions to Dr. Horn at
This assignment picks up on our conversation from the last meeting about active learning strategies; by completing it, you will build your understanding of the cognitive science behind the theory, and develop strategies for fostering metacognition and effective study habits among your tutees. Your task is two parts:
- Complete this Hack Your Brain mini-course (~30 minutes) and take the 5-question test at the end. Submit a screenshot of the Final Exam submission page showing a score of at least 8 out of 10.
- Write a short response: how might you translate what you learned into strategies to help your tutees? Describe at least 2-3 activities that you could use to apply your new knowledge in a tutoring session, and foster more effective learning, study habits, or mindsets among your students. Your response may be in paragraph form (200-300 words), detailed bullet points (2-3 sentences each), or a diagram/chart/mind map detailing each step of your proposed 2-3 activities.
Submit your screenshot and your response either using the text entry field (write out your response and include the screenshot with the insert image function ->) or by uploading the screenshot and a word doc, PDF, or image file of your response.