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EDMW 2022 - Hand-on NetCDF and ERDDAP Workshop

This session will familiarize participants with accessing data from ERDDAP and working with netCDF formatted data using R. Examples will focus on ocean satellite data distributed by CoastWatch but are applicable to NetCDF files in general and to other types of data accessed through ERDDAP servers. It will be a mix of demos, group discussions and off-line self-paced work.


1:45 – 1:55 pm EST: Welcome, instructors’ introduction

1:55 – 2:10 pm EST: CoastWatch intro (15 mins)

    1. CoastWatch
    2. Products
    3. Satellite class

2:10 – 2:25 pm EST:   ERDDAP demo + questions (15 mins)

2:25 – 2:55 pm EST:   ERDDAP on your own + questions (30 mins)

2:55 – 3:10 pm EST:   Tutorials intro (15 mins)

Break (20 mins)

3:30 – 4:50 pm EST:   Hands-on independent work on tutorials. 

    • Tutorials are self-paced. 
    • Instructors will be available to answer questions throughout, and to provide tech support.
    • Participants are encouraged to check into Zoom regularly and monitor the slack channel.
    • Workshop Group Slack Channel


4:50 - 5:00 pm EST: Reconvene for closing and feedback


Pre-Course Setup

To get the most out of the course, ensure you are set up ahead of time and ready to go on Wednesday afternoon. 

Contact Melanie (Melanie.Abecassis at if you have questions about software.

Setup Your Computer and Software

Setup R and download needed packages

R and R Studio

R Script for required modules Links to an external site. 


Log into Slack

Slack will be used to introduce yourself to your fellow class mates, ask/answer questions, share your progress on your project.

1. Click on this invite link Links to an external site. to get access to the CoastWatch Slack workspace.

2. We will use this channel Links to an external site. for the class. Click the "Join Channel" at the bottom center of the page the first time you access it.

All users should understand this is a public forum and anything submitted is open to public access.

For NOAA employees and affiliates:

Visit Links to an external site. and establish an account.  
1) Users should create an account using their NOAA email as the username and create a unique password. 
(select the "continue with email" option)
2) Use the Slack web interface.  Do not install the Slack App/program on your Government computer.
3) Don't share screen while using Slack (close/hide the tab)