CoastWatch Utilities: Exercise 3 - Creating a custom projection and compositing data

Goal:  Use CWMaster to create a custom projection and use the CW Utility command cwregister2 to map data to the custom projection

In Exercise 2b,  S-NPP Ocean Color data was quickly mapped to an orthographic projection.  The command to perform the quick mapping is cwregister2 <in NetCDF/HDF> <out HDF> or in the specific case: 

cwregister2 out.hdf

The L2 data are considered unmapped/Swath and in the case of VIIRS is a single granule.  How can we combine granules and composite them in the same mapped space? 

CWMaster will be used to create a projection ‘masterfile’ that will be used with cwregister2  to map data to the same map space.  In this example,  we will use a projection used by California State government.

CWMaster is an application similar to CDAT.  It can either duplicate projection information by loading a mapped dataset or by entering specific projection parameters.    At a command prompt, type ‘cwmaster’.

In the Projection parameter box,  enter the following data:

Units: Meters 
1st Standard Parallel: 34 N
2nd Standard Parallel: 40.5 N
Longitude of Center of Projection (Central Meridian): 120 W
Latitude of Origin of Projection: 0 N
False Easting: 0
False Northing: -4000000
X shift: 0 Y shift: 0
Spheroid / Datum: GRS80 / NAD83 or Clarke 1866 / NAD27

Use File=>Save As, Ctrl-s, or the Save tool to save a filenamed ‘Albers_master.hdf’.

The output from CW Master is an HDF file containing the affine of the projection.

‘cwinfo’ is a command line tool to show the contents of a file.  Using it on one of the ocean color Level-2 files, we see what’s inside:

C:\SampleData2022\SatelliteData >cwinfo

Contents of

Global information:

  Data source: watermask.dat,digital_elevation_map.hdf,ice_mask.hdf,no2_climatology.hdf,alpha510_climatology.hdf,taua865_climatology.hdf,GMTCO_npp_d20220923_t2058088_e2059329_b56516_c20220923212325634356_oebc_ops.h5,

  Date:                2022/09/23 JD 266
  Start time:          20:58:11 UTC
  End time:            20:59:35 UTC
  Projection type:     swath
  Transform ident:     noaa.coastwatch.util.trans.SwathProjection
  Origin:              NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)
  Format:              Java-NetCDF interface (NetCDF-4 ucar.nc2.dataset.conv.CF1Convention)
  Reader ident:

Variable information:

Variable                    Type    Dimensions   Units                                    Scale    Offset

  geophysical_data/chlor_a      float   768x3200     mg m^-3                                  -        -
  geophysical_data/kd_490       short   768x3200     m^-1                                     0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/kd_par       short   768x3200     m^-1                                     0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/nLw_410      short   768x3200     mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1                     0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/nLw_443      short   768x3200     mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1                     0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/nLw_486      short   768x3200     mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1                     0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/nLw_551      short   768x3200     mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1                     0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/nLw_638_ag   short   768x3200     mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1                     0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/nLw_671      short   768x3200     mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1                     0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/qa_score     short   768x3200     -                                        0.0001   -0
  geophysical_data/l2_flags     int     768x3200     -                                        -        -
  scan_line_attributes/time     int     768          milliseconds since 2022-09-23 00:00:00   -        -
  navigation_data/latitude      float   768x3200     degree_north                             -        -
navigation_data/longitude     float   768x3200     degree_east                              -        -

Now,  we can map two S-NPP VIIRS Ocean Color Level-2 granules to this projection:

cwregister2 -v -M Albers_master.hdf V2022266205808_NPP_NRTNIR_L3_Albers.hdf

cwregister2 -v -M Albers_master.hdf V2022266205643_NPP_NRTNIR_L3_Albers.hdf

Errors may be because the Albers_master.hdf file is in another directory.

The mapped images can then be composited:

cwcomposite –v V2022266205808_NPP_NRTNIR_L3_Albers.hdf V2022266205643_NPP_NRTNIR_L3_Albers.hdf SNPP_VIIRS_20191017_Albers_composite.hdf

Using ‘cwinfo’ on the output  you see the projection information and the dimensions of the new file:

C:\SampleData2022\exercise_outputs>cwinfo SNPP_VIIRS_20191017_Albers_composite.hdf

Contents of SNPP_VIIRS_20191017_Albers_composite.hdf

Global information:

  Data source:         SVM01_npp_d20220923_t2058088_e2059329_b56516_c20220923212447724787_oebc_ops.h5,S19461993_COADS_GEOS1.MET_noon,,,S19891991_TOMS.OZONE,,,radcor_modisa_nocor.hdf,polcor_viirsn_22bands_oc.hdf,,watermask.dat,digital_elevation_map.hdf,ice_mask.hdf,no2_climatology.hdf,alpha510_climatology.hdf,taua865_climatology.hdf,GMTCO_npp_d20220923_t2058088_e2059329_b56516_c20220923212325634356_oebc_ops.h5,, SVM01_npp_d20220923_t2056433_e2058075_b56516_c20220923212424008682_oebc_ops.h5,S19461993_COADS_GEOS1.MET_noon,,,S19891991_TOMS.OZONE,,,radcor_modisa_nocor.hdf,polcor_viirsn_22bands_oc.hdf,,watermask.dat,digital_elevation_map.hdf,ice_mask.hdf,no2_climatology.hdf,alpha510_climatology.hdf,taua865_climatology.hdf,GMTCO_npp_d20220923_t2056433_e2058075_b56516_c20220923212308666857_oebc_ops.h5,

  Date:                2022/09/23 JD 266
  Start time:          20:56:46 UTC
  End time:            20:59:35 UTC
  Projection type:     mapped
  Transform ident:     noaa.coastwatch.util.trans.AlbersConicalEqualAreaProjection
  Map projection:      Albers Conical Equal Area
  Map affine:          0 -1000 1000 0 -511500 4398517.59
  Spheroid:            GRS 1980
  Origin:              NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)
  Format:              CoastWatch HDF version 3.4
  Reader ident:

Variable information:

  Variable                      Type    Dimensions   Units                  Scale    Offset
  geophysical_data/chlor_a      float   1024x1024    mg m^-3                -        -
  geophysical_data/kd_490       short   1024x1024    m^-1                   0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/kd_par       short   1024x1024    m^-1                   0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/l2_flags     int     1024x1024    -                      -        -
  geophysical_data/nLw_410      short   1024x1024    mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1   0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/nLw_443      short   1024x1024    mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1   0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/nLw_486      short   1024x1024    mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1   0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/nLw_551      short   1024x1024    mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1   0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/nLw_638_ag   short   1024x1024    mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1   0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/nLw_671      short   1024x1024    mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1   0.001    -0
  geophysical_data/qa_score     short   1024x1024    -                      0.0001   -0
  navigation_data/latitude      float   1024x1024    degree_north           -        -
  navigation_data/longitude     float   1024x1024    degree_east            -        -

Resulting in the output image viewed in CDAT with scaling, palettes, and overlays applied: