More Python Tutorials-2

More Python tutorials are available here: Links to an external site.

The were written by the CoastWatch West Coast Node:

  1. Get Data Using a Rectangular Bounding Box Links to an external site.
    Demonstrates how to extract environmental data from an ERDDAP server in an rectangular bounding box (polygon) over time.
  2. Get Data Along a Track Links to an external site.
    Extract environmental data from an ERDDAP server along an x,y and time trajectory, e.g. an animal or cruise track.
  3. Get Data Using an Irregular Shape Links to an external site.
    Extract environmental data from an ERDDAP server in an irregular bounding box (polygon) over time, e.g. a marine protected area.
  4. Comparing time-series of different satellite datasets Links to an external site.
    Several satellite ocean color sensors have been launched since 1997 to provide a continuous record of global ocean color data. This exercise examines the variability of Chlorophyll-a values during time periods where the satellite measurements overlap.
  5. Creating a virtual buoy Links to an external site.
    Create a virtual buoy from satellite data for locations where in-situ buoy data may not be available or has been discontinued.