Course Overview

Welcome!  This course is about using the CoastWatch Utilities software package to help with processing satellite imagery and derived data products.  The course covers working with data files (i) visually using a graphical user interface, and (ii) by typing commands at the Unix or Windows command prompts.  No programming experience is needed, though it can be helpful when automating data processing.


The course material requires that you have the CoastWatch Utilities software installed so that you can follow along on your own computer and work with the example data provided.  You can install the CoastWatch Utilities by visiting the NOAA CoastWatch central operations Links to an external site. web site and downloading the software (available in the Data Tools section).  There are separate packages for Windows, Mac, and Linux.  The command line tools in the software are more easily used if you also set the command line path (see Chapter 1 in the user's guide below on how to do that).  The course material is based on version 3.7.1 of the software released in July, 2022, but a more recent version can also be used.  


Throughout this course, we'll refer to sections of the CoastWatch Utilities User's Guide Download CoastWatch Utilities User's Guide for documenation.  You'll also need to download the Download file that contains all the sample data for the course.  Inside the ZIP file is a table of contents 00-Contents.txt that describes all the data files — we'll use a subset of the data files in each unit.


You can email questions, comments, and suggestions on this course or the CoastWatch Utilities software to the CoastWatch help desk at  

For feedback on the software itself and/or bug reports, you should include the following information:

  1. Version and operating system — for example CoastWatch Utilities 3.7.1 on Windows 10.
  2. Data file format and origin — for example CoastWatch NetCDF files obtained from the CoastWatch web site. If the data origin is unknown, include some example data filenames.
  3. How to reproduce the issue — if sending a bug report or asking for clarification, we also need:
    • Command line tool — a transcript of the terminal session. You can cut and paste the contents of the command used and the output directly into the email.
    • Graphical interface tool — a list of steps to reproduce the problem. For example, Open data file X, click this button, then that button, etc.