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OSOS Training Day, June 16th, 2023

This training session will feature presentations and tutorials from NOAA CoastWatch Links to an external site., EUMETSAT/Copernicus Links to an external site., and KIOST/KHOA. 


Workshop Objectives:

  1. Get familiar with the various programs as data providers
  2. Get familiar with various data access options
  3. Get familiar with selected tools 



Participants will need to bring their own laptop. 

Pre-course Downloads:

NOAA CoastWatch


  • Download and install the Anaconda PythonLinks to an external site. distribution for your operating system. If you choose to skip this step (e.g. because you are an expert python user and have other installed python distributions), you must also make sure that you have Git and a command line environment installed on your operating system. These are natively installed on Linux and Mac OSx, and we recommend gitforwindows Links to an external site. if you are running on Windows.
  • We will be working with Python code, which will be distributed by Git. We will cover how to retrieve this code in the training session, but if you wish to clone this beforehand, you can find the relevant repository, including installation instructions here Links to an external site. (learn-olci) and here Links to an external site. (ThoMaS)
  • Download and install the SNAP Links to an external site. software package for your operating system. You should select the Sentinel toolboxes option


       ① GOCI-II L2 AC : Links to an external site. 


       ② Sargassum product using GOCI-II : Links to an external site.         



Workshop Agenda:


09:00-09:30 Introduction
09:30-11:30 NOAA CoastWatch
11:30 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 13:30 KHOA NOSC
13:30 - 14:00 Break
14:00 - 16:00 EUMETSAT/Copernicus
16:00 - 16:30 Wrap-up


NOAA CoastWatch

The NOAA CoastWatch program Links to an external site.'s mission is to provide access to and promote the use of satellite data products for oceanic, freshwater, & polar applications. CoastWatch distributes ocean satellite products through a map-based viewer Links to an external site. and a set of web services (ERDDAP; THREDDS, https). Products available include Sea Surface Temperature, Ocean Color (chlorophyll-a concentration, light attenuation, …), Altimetry (sea level height anomalies, geostrophic currents), Synthetic Aperture Radar, Ocean Vector Winds, Sea Ice, Sea Surface Salinity, and various types of imagery.

The CoastWatch session will include: 1. Introduction to CoastWatch and data products 2. Demonstration of the CoastWatch Utilities Links to an external site. tool 3. Step-by-step hands-on tutorial on accessing data and using the CoastWatch Utilities



EUMETSAT provides satellite data relevant to operational oceanography from both its mandatory satellite programmes, and as part of the European Commission Copernicus programme. EUMETSAT distributes its data through a variety of services including ‘push’ (EUMETCast satellite and terrestrial) and ‘pull’(online data services where users can view, transform, and download data) services. Marine relevant data covers ocean colour, sea surface temperature, altimetry, sea ice, and surface wind products. 

This session will include:

  1. An overview of the marine product portfolio and user services available through EUMETSAT.
  2. A practical session on accessing and working with the data available through programming-based tools and tutorials provided by EUMETSAT. This second session will include;
    • the use of the eumdac Python client for automated/systematic data retrieval
    • the use of SNAP to batch process Copernicus Sentinel-3 OLCI data
    • using the ThoMaS toolkit to perform match-up validation of OLCI products


GOCI-II sensor onboard the GK-2B satellite acquires 10 hourly images a day over the Northeast Asian marginal seas and daily images over the full disk area including the western Pacific since 31st December 2020. Level-1B and Level-2 products including Rrs, Chl_a, SPM, CDOM, IOPs, Red-tide index, Floating algae and Aerosol optical thickness are available from the KHOA/NOSC website ( Links to an external site.).

This session will cover: 1. Introduction to GOCI-II standard products, key processing algorithms and applications 2. Hands-on tutorial on downloading GOCI-II products from KHOA website and handling the data with SNAP GOCI-II plug-in.