Welcome to the EUMETSAT/Copernicus section of our course! This session will guide you though the use of tools to routine access EUMETSAT data, to process it in batches according to your requirements and to validate ocean colour products using in situ match-up data. Following an introductory presentation (available here Download here), the course itself will proceed in three parts, as detailed on further pages;
- Unit 1: EUMETSAT and Copernicus: missions, sensors, available products and data access using eumdac
- Unit 2: Batch processing Copernicus Sentinel-3 OLCI with SNAP
- Unit 3: In situ validation of Copernicus Sentinel-3 OLCI products with the ThoMaS toolkit (presentation available here Download here)
To complete this part of the course, you will need to complete the following steps:
- Download and install the SNAPLinks to an external site. software package for your operating system. You should select the Sentinel toolboxes option
- Download and install the Anaconda PythonLinks to an external site. distribution for your operating system. If you choose to skip this step (e.g. because you are an expert python user and have other installed python distributions), you must also make sure that you have Git and a command line environment installed on your operating system. These are natively installed on Linux and Mac OSx, and we recommend gitforwindows Links to an external site. if you are running on Windows.
We will be working with Python code, as distributed by Git. We will cover how to retrieve this code in the training session, but if you wish to clone this beforehand, you can find the relevant repository, including installation instructions hereLinks to an external site..
This course will have a practical focus, and we will lead you through common approaches to working with our data in an operational way. If you have followed the pre-requisite installation steps you will have most of the required code resources. While not mandatory, if you wish to learn more about our product catalogue, data access, Sentinel-3 marine data and our code resources, we recommend you check the following links:
- The EUMETSAT Product Navigator Links to an external site. for information on our products, from both Copernicus and our mandatory missions.
- The EUMETSAT Data Store Links to an external site. for data access for our Copernicus marine products and it's associated knowledge base Links to an external site., which includes information on the EUMETSAT Data Access Client (eumdac)
- The EUMETSAT Copernicus Sentinel-3 Links to an external site. pages and associated knowledge base Links to an external site..
You can email questions, comments, and suggestions on this course or the CoastWatch Utilities software to the CoastWatch help desk at