CoastWatch Satellite Course
Welcome to the NOAA CoastWatch Links to an external site. September 2023 Satellite Course! We are excited to have you in the course and look forward to helping you learn about satellite data and how to obtain and work with it!
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the basic principles of remote sensing and the main ocean parameters
- Become familiar with the use of the ERDDAP platform to visualize, subset and download data
- Learn where to find satellite data
- Learn to judge which products are appropriate for your application, and when in doubt, you will know who to contact to get guidance
- Apply what you learn on a personal project so that you leave the course with ready-to-use workflows
As part of the course, you are expected to come with a specific project to work on during the course. Participants get more out of the workshop if they have applied questions or projects to work on. Make sure to have any needed ancillary data at hand by Sep. 18th. For example, if your project is to merge tagged animal tracks with satellite data, you should have the track data available. If you do not have a project to work on, please contact Cara for help
You will give a very brief verbal introduction to your project on the first day of class and present a short (1 slide, 2 mins max) lightning talk during the last day. The presentation can be as simple as making a map or a time series for your region of interest if you are not currently working with satellite data.
Time Commitment
Expect to spend about 3 hours watching 9 pre-recorded lectures prior to the start of the course. Each module is about 20 minutes long.
Approximately a week before the in-person training there will be a pre-course, online call for Q & A about the course material and course logistics.
The first 2 days of the in-person training will be devoted to questions and answers about the lectures, general discussions, software demos, tutorials, and one-on-one assistance with the projects. On the third day participants will present short (2 minute) lightning talks about their projects and what they learned in the course.
Course Schedule
Sept 1 - Sept 18, 2023
Watch lectures
Decide on software track (R, Python, Matlab or ArcGIS). We have tutorials demonstrating accessing and manipulating satellite data in R, Python, Matlab and ArcGIs. Participants should choose the tutorials corresponding to the software application they use the most. Although participants are welcome to do so, it is not expected that they go through all four sets of tutorials.
Install any needed libraries following the instructions in the "Pre-Course Preparation" section below and go over the pre-course materials listed in that section
Attend pre-course online call Links to an external site.on September 11 at 9 am AKST/10 am PST/1 pm EST.
Sept 11, 2023
- 10 am AKST/11 am PST/2 pm EST pre-course online call
Links to an external site.
We will use slido to get information from people. Go to and enter #SatCourse0923 as the event code.
Recording of call Links to an external site.
Sept 18, 2023: In-person component
- 9 am -11 am AKST/10 am -12 pm PST/1 pm -3pm EST live session
Links to an external site.
We will use slido to get information from people. Go to and enter #SatCourse0923 as the event code. - 11 am -12 pm AKST/12 pm -1 pm PST/3 pm -4pm EST Office hour for remote participants Links to an external site.
- 11 am -5 pm AKST. Work on projects, with instructors on hand for assistance. There will be a lunch break.
Sept 19, 2023: In-person component
- 9 am -11 am AKST/10 am -12 pm PST/1 pm -3pm EST live session
Links to an external site.
We will use slido to get information from people. Go to and enter #SatCourse0923 as the event code. - 11 am -12 pm AKST/12 pm -1 pm PST/3 pm -4pm EST Office hour for remote participants Links to an external site.
- 11 am -5 pm AKST. Work on projects, with instructors on hand for assistance. There will be a lunch break.
Sept 20, 2023: In-person component
- 9 am -11 am AKST/10 am -12 pm PST/1 pm -3pm EST Student presentations
Links to an external site.
Each participant will give a brief (2 minute maximum) presentation on their project.
This presentation will be 1 slide only and is a required component of the course.
Pre-Course Preparation
1. Setup Your Computer and Software
To get the most out of the course, ensure your computer is set up ahead of time and ready to go on at the start of class. Install the software well in advance of the course to leave time for addressing installation issues. NOAA employees, contractors, and affiliates using government-issued computers will likely require the approval and assistance of IT administrators to install software.
You will use panoply for the assignment with NetCDF data. Please install Panoply, a NetCDF viewer developed by NASA. Panoply can be run on Windows, Mac and Linux computers. Links to an external site.
Setup the software you will use for your project
To cater to the needs of diverse students, we offer tutorials in R, Python and ArcGIS. The R materials are the most developed and will be the dominant software used in course demonstrations. We encourage you to choose software you are familiar with and basic knowledge of the software chosen is expected.
ArcGIS Map/Pro
- Watch the 2 narrated videos ArcGIS (2 videos)
- Ensure you have a licensed Spatial Analyst extension
- Download the Satellite toolbox [ArcMap only] and the 3 nautical mile boundary shapefile. Save the files to your working directory, and unzip the shapefile. Links to an external site. [ArcMap only] Links to an external site.
R and R Studio
- R 4.x Links to an external site. is required for the R packages that will be used in the course.
- The latest version of R Studio Links to an external site. is required to participate in the R tutorials and examples presented in the course.
- Run this R script Links to an external site. to test and/or install required modules for the workshop exercise.
- Follow Github R Tutorial #1 Links to an external site.
- Follow Github R Tutorial #2 Links to an external site.
The examples presented in the course are written in Python 3 and provided as Jupyter Notebooks. Anaconda
Links to an external site. installations have made it easier to install the required modules. We recommend Miniconda
Links to an external site., a lightweight version of Anaconda that takes up less disk space and resolves common environment configuration issues present in the full anaconda distribution.
- Follow the instructions Links to an external site. for setting up and testing your environment on github.
- Follow Github python Tutorial #1 Links to an external site.
- Follow Github python Tutorial #2 Links to an external site.
Matlab is our least supported software track, but we do have some modules that show Matlab users how to access data from ERDDAP.
2. Gather Files for Your Project
You are expected to come to the course with a project to work on and any information needed for the project. For example, if a project is to match up tagged animal tracks with satellite data, then track data (a list of dates, latitudes, and longitudes) would be required.
3. Log into Slack
Slack will be used as the platform to introduce yourself to your fellow classmates, ask/answer questions, share your progress on your project.
- Click on this invite link Links to an external site. to get access to the CoastWatch Slack workspace.
- We will use several channels. Click on Channel" -> "Manage" -> "Browse Channel" -> and click on channel names (troubleshooting-sep2023-alaska, introduction-sep2023-alaska) to join channels.
All users should understand this is a public forum and anything submitted is open to public access.
For NOAA employees and affiliates:
Visit Links to an external site. and establish an account.
1) Users should create an account using their NOAA email as the username and create a unique password. Do not sign in with your google credentials as shown in the figure on the right. (select the "continue with email" option)
2) Use the Slack web interface. Do not install the Slack App/program on your Government computer.
3) Don't share screen while using Slack (close/hide the tab)
For those who can't access Slack:
For assistance during the course email Melanie: or the CoastWatch helpdesk: . For class related emails, please include the keyword CWTRAINING in your subject.
Course Content
All lectures are available as pre-recorded presentations here:
All tutorials are self-paced. The full list of CoastWatch tutorials is available here:
All participants should go over the Panoply and ERDDAP tutorials. We have tutorials demonstrating accessing and manipulating satellite data in R, Python, Matlab and ArcGIs. Participants should choose the tutorials corresponding to the software application they use the most. It is not expected that participants go through all four sets of tutorials.
R and Python tutorials can be found here (each tutorial has an R and a Python version): Links to an external site.
How to get help ?
How to get help during or after the course?