Course Syllabus

LAST UPDATE: 04/17/2024
INSTRUCTOR: Amin Gholampour
OFFICE: MTH 4407 (4th floor in Math building) 
CONTACT: Use ELMS email system (preferred) or email me at amingh at
LECTURES: MWF 1--1:50pm at MTH 0101 
OFFICE HOURS (in-person or virtual):  Make an appointment by email preferably a day before or at least a few hours before the time you would like to meet. Meeting availabilities are in the weekdays during 3-5pm (virtual or in person), 7-9pm (virtual).
For virtual meeting use the Zoom URL:
GRADER: Jackson Douglas Hopper
ANONYMOUS SURVEY: You can submit anonymous comments/suggestions multiple times in the course of semester before Apr 14. This option is found in Quizzes.
TEXTBOOK: Complex Variables and Applications by Brown and Churchill.
LECTURE NOTES: Will be posted weekly in Announcements.
OTHER REFERENCE: Complex Analysis by Ahlfors 

Brief course description and prerequisite: Click here
Rough plan: I plan to cover some topics from the first 9 chapters of  Brown and Churchill's textbook. This includes a review of complex variables, complex functions and their limits and derivatives, Cauchy-Riemann equations, analytic functions, complex exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, integration of complex functions, Cauchy theorem, Cauchy integral formula, maximum modules principal, Liouville's theorem, fundamental theorem of algebra, complex Laurent series, types of singularities, orders of zeros and poles, conformal maps, application to steady temperature, etc. 
Course related policies: Find information about the university course related policies here.
ADS: If you have a diagnosed disability, please contact me immediately. I will discuss academic arrangements with you. 
Copyright: All course materials are made available to students that are enrolled in this class. Distributing this material is prohibited.

Grade: %40 Assignments, %30 Midterms, %30 Final. 
Midterm 1:  Monday Feb 26 (in class)
Midterm 2:  Monday Apr 1 (in class)
Final Exam:  Monday May 13 at 1:30-3:30pm (in class)

Grade Policy: The lowest two Homework assignments will be dropped. If M is the average of the midterms scores and F is the final exam score then min(F,M) is replaced by min(F,M)+0.9|F-M|.

Assignments: Are posted on Fridays and will be due a week after. If you need a time extension for a Homework assignment, send me an email with a justification before the due date. You can collaborate with the classmates on the homework problems, but the solutions need to be written down indpendently and submitted to ELMS.

Grading issues: If you find any issues with the grading, please let me know at most one week after your exam or assignment is graded.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due