Course Syllabus

LAST UPDATE: 08/21/2024
INSTRUCTOR: Amin Gholampour
OFFICE: MTH 4407 (4th floor in Math building) 
CONTACT: Use ELMS email system or email me at amingh at
LECTURES: MWF 12--12:50pm at MTH 1308 
OFFICE HOURS (in-person or virtual):  Make an appointment by email preferably a day before or at least a few hours before the time you would like to meet. Meeting availabilities are in the weekdays and usually during 3-5pm (virtual or in-pe
rson), 7-9pm (virtual).
For virtual meeting use the Zoom URL:

ROUPH PLAN:  I plan to discuss topics on abelian varieties mostly over the field of complex numbers from both analytic and algebraic points of view. We will occasionally work over arbitrary algebraically closed fields. Possible topics are complex tori and line bundles over them, polarized abelian varieties, Gauss map, projective embeddings,  isogenies, duality, Poincare line bundles, cohomology of line bundles, abelian surfaces, Jacobians, moduli of abelian varieties etc. 

Here are some of the main references:
Abelian varieties (Mumford)
Complex abelian varieties (Birkenhake-Lange) 
Abelian varieties (Milne)
Abelian varieties (Edixhoven-van der Geer-Moonen)

COURSE  POLICY: There will be sporadic homework assignments and/or mini-projects on various related topics that will be gradually introduced as the semester progresses.

 Will be posted weekly in Announcements.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due