
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 18 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Expert/Non Expert Definition Rubric
Expert/Non Expert Definition Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Grammar, Mechanics, Spelling, Structure and Flow
spelling , sentences that are very long or incomplete, or other grammar problems. Document should flow smoothly; paragraphs should have strong transition. Assignments submitted with poor paragraph structure, or those with little attention to details the audience might find important will lose points.
threshold: pts
25 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
25 pts
Description of audience
Audiences should be clearly defined -- in terms of: ages, life experiences, background, views on a particular subject in question, roles in home/professional setting (as relevant). . Why would they read this? How would they be using the information that you provide them?
threshold: pts
30 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
30 pts
Use noted styles/types/methods noted in the discussions and in the assignment prompt. Points are taken off for rhetorical situations that would be very unlikely or for issues that are not addressed by the writer. Gaping holes in logic are a serious problem. Explain all terms for which your reader may not be familiar. You will also be graded on how you explain the term, and how do you engage your reader. They should want to read more after that first paragraph.
threshold: pts
30 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
30 pts
Fulfill all parts of assignment
Points will be deducted for not answering all the issues mentioned in the assignment prompt. Partial credit can be given if some questions are answered, however, if not all are covered, points will be subtracted here.
threshold: pts
15 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
15 pts
Total Points: 100 out of 100