Group Evaluation and Learning Memo
- Due Dec 1, 2016 by 5pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a file upload
- Available Nov 7, 2016 at 12am - Dec 8, 2016 at 11:59pm
The parts that each person will submit individually: Evaluating group members and learning experience memo.
Ten points will be deducted off of the final project grade for each day this portion is submitted late.
For the final project due next Tuesday, late submissions are not accepted and result in a O for the final project.
(Will be using this form to evaluate each group member and yourself).
Name of the person you are evaluating:
Your Name:
Evaluate each member of your group based on the following criteria:
1) Meeting attendance
2) Meeting deadlines
3) Preparation at meetings
4) Contribution of good ideas at meetings
5) Quality of work submitted
6) Respect for other members
7) Helps to reduce conflict
8) Overall assessment of this person’s contribution
Instead of just saying, “Yes” or “No” or “Good” or “Bad,” give a prose description (complete sentences) of each of your classmate’s performance for each item. Also, evaluate yourself for each item.
Memo: The memo will be addressed to me, detailing your goals for this assignment, highlighting your experiences, and providing analysis of your collaborative work. You should update me on changes made to or information learned about your audiences since the proposal or other changes in your report or manual. What have you gained through this experience?
Include any challenges you met and how you revised your initial ideas your work progressed. Please make sure to submit this using the proper memo format. This is part of your final project grade and will be done individually.