Instructions Assignment
- Due Nov 3, 2016 by 5pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a file upload
- Available Sep 1, 2016 at 12am - Dec 1, 2016 at 11:59am
Instructions Assignment
For this assignment each of you will write concise and coherent instructions for a process that can be performed during class. An in-class usability test will measure the effectiveness of your instructions, and the results will count toward your grade. You have some flexibility in choosing your instructions topic. However, there are some constraints:
- Must be performed in class (within 15 minutes) requiring one student
- No recipes
- Nothing requiring gas or electric powered tools or other potentially dangerous equipment
- No unoriginal graphics—make them yourself (i.e. no how-to-do-something-step-by-step with pics from the Internet)
The instructions should include 400-750 words and be organized in a format that is easy to both skim and read in detail. Like any good set of instructions, it will need a title and a well-organized body section that contains graphics. Additionally, it may need some introduction and/or require additional background materials (glossary, index, appendices). Please see our readings for more specifics to consider.
What to submit:
- Instructions (400-750 word document with all graphics and additional info/materials)
- Audience Analysis
- In class will submit usability memo
- enough materials to actually follow instructions in class
Some Ideas to draw upon:
- Crafts and Hobbies
- Equipment usage or maintenance (cameras, PDAs, phones, mp3 players, other small devices)
- Computer applications
A Few Questions:
- Can a person with little or no knowledge of the subject/process understand these instructions?
- Is the purpose of these instructions clear?
- At quick glance can one get an overview of the process?
- Can you perform a usability test in class during our allotted time? Remember only one student will be following your instructions.
- Did you provide graphics that you created?
- Are the instructions concise and clear to the reader?
Do you have all the necessary materials for this to be completed in class? Bring enough material for your instructions to be completed once. If you do not provide the material, a minimum of ten points will be reduced along with additional reductions from the usability study.
Submit a printed copy of your work as well as upload to elms. If you do not submit a printed copy you will have ten points reduced from your instructions grade. Additionally, you would have to figure out a way that the student performing your instructions would perform the instructions. If it is not possible further reductions will be taken.
Any work submitted after 5 pm the day it is due is considered late. Ten points will be deducted per day or any part of day submissions are late. See course policies for further details.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |
Grammar, Mechanics, Flow
Is the writing clear and concise? Are the graphics clear? Attention to grammar and flow of writing and ease of reading.
Layout of Instructions
Is the layout user friendly? Is it easy to navigate? Is there a title? Is it clear what the person is hoping to end up with?
Usability Test Memo you will write in class
Does your memo follow the memo format as discussed in class? Did you provide feedback as to what could be improved in the instructions and what you particularly liked about the instructions? Were you able to provide feedback on how long it took you to complete the instructions? Was your memo easy to read and understand?
Memo written about instructions
Was it easy for the user to follow your instructions? Was he/she able to complete the instructions in the time allocated (15 minutes). What was the user's feedback regarding your instructions?
Materials to complete instructions
Did you provide all the necessary materials for someone to complete your instructions? If you do not bring materials, it will impact your grade in other sections of the rubric.
Instructions Provided
Was the body well organized? Was it easy to read and skim? Was the writing appropriate and clear? How did it consider the audience? Was it easy to skim?
Audience Analysis
Did you provide an audience analysis to the instructions? Was it detailed? Was your writing clear and did it contain transitions and provide ease of reading?
Total Points:
out of 100