Outline Final Project
- Due Nov 17, 2016 by 5pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a file upload
- Available Oct 21, 2016 at 12am - Nov 21, 2016 at 11:59pm
For this review, you will be uploading the outline of the final project. Make sure that all sections are covered and what you will be including in each section.
Building on your work for the research proposal, here your goal is to provide a full outline of your intended final project.
Title of intended report. This should be detailed, specific and meaningful. Any reader should know exactly what the document format and topic after reading the title. Look at the real-world examples found throughout the modules.
A single paragraph abstract/summary of the report, taking up no more than half a page. Resource on writing abstracts found 1) here (Links to an external site.)and 2) here (Links to an external site.).
Outline: The outline itself should be at least two pages (excluding title and abstract components above). Of course, many of you will go well beyond this limit. The more time you invest in this outline, the easier the writing process will be.
- Resource on creating outlines here (Links to an external site.).
- Examples of student outlines found here (Links to an external site.), here (Links to an external site.), and here (Links to an external site.).
Come to class with: audience analysis, transmittal letter to primary audience,and outline of your report.