Project Presentations
- Due Dec 1, 2016 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Available Oct 31, 2016 at 12am - Dec 8, 2016 at 5pm
Presentations will be given on December 1 and December 8th. A sign up sheet will be passed out for groups to sign up to present. The order you sign up will be the order you present. Once you have signed up the time and day cannot be changed. Individual grades will be assigned based on contribution to the group and on delivery. Your presentation should be 10 minutes in length.
1. Describe project and why it is important.
2. Describe your audiences.
3. Describe project goals and purpose.
4. Describe project research and your progress so far.
5. Use graphics and slides effectively.
6. Introduction/preview
7. Verbal/physical presence
8. Organized, clear presentation
9. Professional conclusion/wrap up
10. Completed in 10-15 min
Content: 75%
1. Had professional introduction
2. Described project and why it’s important
3. Described audiences
4. Described project goals and purpose
5. Described project research and progress so far
6. Used graphics and slides effectively
Delivery: 25%
1. Verbal/physical presence
2. Organize, clear presentation
3. Professional conclusion/wrap up
4. Completed in 10 -15 min