Reflective Assignment3
- Due Nov 22, 2016 by 5pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a file upload
- Available Aug 23, 2016 at 12am - Nov 30, 2016 at 4pm
“Revisiting Your Expectations” This prompt asks you to revisit all of the writing you have done this semester, particularly your formal writing assignments and your two previous reflective essays.
First, revisit the learning outcomes for the Professional Writing course, which you can find in your syllabus.
Second, review your written response to the “Establishing Expectations” and “Mid-Term Self Assessment” prompts, reflecting on what you wrote about your expectations for the course at the beginning of the semester as well as your assessment of the first half and predictions for the second half that you made at the mid-semester point.
Third, reread all of the major writing assignments you composed for this course; look for signs of progress you made in your writing abilities, noting specific writing strategies you learned how to deploy to achieve your rhetorical goals.
Once you have reviewed the course learning outcomes and the writing you’ve done this semester, compose a one-page, single-spaced essay that highlights the major writing skills and writing-related knowledge you developed in your Professional Writing course.
You need not discuss each and every thing you learned; instead, focus on three or four skills that you feel you’ve improved the most from the beginning to the end of the semester, that best demonstrate the type of writer you are or have become by the end of the course, or that you expect to draw on in your future professional or civic lives. Be specific; provide examples, details, and descriptions from writing projects you created this semester; and explain your reasoning throughout this brief reflective essay.