Rough Draft of Project Proposal
- Due Oct 6, 2016 by 5pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a file upload
- Available Sep 12, 2016 at 12am - Oct 11, 2016 at 11:59pm
Submit the draft of your project proposal. If there are specific areas you would like the person peer reviewing your work to look at write it on your draft. Read through the final project proposal and what is required for this assignment.
When you do the peer review, make sure to mark the rubric. Please provide detailed feedback.
Don't just write nice job or needs work. What did you specifically like or what needs work?
This is the assignment:
(This is for the group project, but each person will submit their own proposal paper.)
• Length: 1250 to 1600 words, including Annotated Bibliography
Assignment Overview
The purpose of the assignment is to give me a researched, in-depth description of your topic and provide a blueprint of where you anticipate your work will take you in the coming weeks. It will be written in the form of a Memo, detailing your current research and findings, discussing your primary, secondary and tertiary audiences, considering your strategies for assessing the topic and the challenges you expect to face, and previewing the research you expect to conduct.
You’ll want to begin by reviewing the proposal information in our readings.
Your document will be composed of the following parts:
• Description of the problem/opportunity in detail (250-500 words). Begin with an introductory paragraph that captures your reader’s attention, and answers this question:
What is important about this topic? Your research should be documented with cited evidence; I’m not looking for anecdotes but for proof this is a problem that goes beyond your personal involvement.
• Description of Audiences: Names, job titles, responsibilities, relationship to the problem,what makes them appropriate primary, secondary, and tertiary audiences for your Final Project (250+ words). You’ll want to consider how they’ll benefit from your solutions.
This section should be particularly detailed, as understanding your audience is a key aspect to understanding your project.
• Description of Project/Research (500+ words): a description of the research you will be undertaking and the questions you will be answering. If your goal is to write a manual or produce another product (such as a website), you need to be specific about why such a product is needed and what additional research you plan to do to prove your contention.
• Sources: A properly formatted list of at least ten that will serve as your Working Bibliography (1 page). Please submit an annotated bibliography.
As your audience, I am looking for evidence that you have put significant effort into considering and researching your topic and can clearly explain the problem as well as predict your coming work in a successful and effective manner.
You are required to provide ten credible sources, listed on a separate Working Bibliography.
You may use online sources; however, Wikipedia and other dictionaries or encyclopedias are not appropriate for this assignment and may not be used. Newspaper articles, journal pieces,magazine columns, books, projects, proposals, formal recommendations, surveys, and personal interviews are all considered acceptable sources. However, you should look for primary sources: while a newspaper report about a study may serve as an introduction for you, you will need to consult the actual study for your final project. As this is a working bibliography, I expect that many of your sources may change between now and the end of the semester, but it will indicate where your research is headed.
Key points to keep in mind:
• In-text citations and the Working Bibliography page must follow the format used in the field in which you are working; you will need to provide me a style sheet for this format if it is other than MLA or APA.
• You’ll be graded not only Content (here, the thinking, planning, and research completed on your topic), but on Style issues (organization, grammar, clarity, readability, and cohesiveness). Pay attention to errors identified on previous assignments and don’t make the same mistakes.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Description of Problem/Opportunity
Introductory paragraph that captures your reader’s attention
What is important about this topic? Your research should be documented with cited evidence
Names, job titles, responsibilities, relationship to the problem,
What makes them appropriate primary, secondary, and tertiary audiences for your Final Project
How will they benefit from your solution(s)
Description of Project
Description of the research you will be undertaking and the questions you will be answering. Why such a product/solution is needed and what additional research you plan to do to prove your contention.
Properly formatted list of at least ten sources
An annotated bibliography.
Mechanics, Grammar, Style, Professionalism
Organization, grammar, clarity, readability, and cohesiveness
Thinking, planning, and research completed on your topic
Total Points:
out of 100