Usability Test Memo
- Due Nov 3, 2016 by 6:15pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a file upload
- Available Oct 11, 2016 at 12am - Nov 4, 2016 at 11:59pm
Usability Test Memo
Make sure you use the proper memo format. In the subject, mention the topic and person who wrote the instructions. See sample below. Make sure to write in complete sentences and use proper grammar.
Date: October 8, 2015
To: Ms. Sajeela Yaqub, Instructor of Technical Writing Class
University of Maryland
From: xxxxxxx
Subject: Usability Test for xxxxx
Then answer the following questions:
- Can a person with little or no knowledge of the subject/process understand these instructions?
- Is the purpose of these instructions clear?
- At quick glance were you able to get an overview of the process?
- Did you perform the usability test in class during our allotted time?
- Any other feedback or comments about the instructions you would like to give?
- What did you like about the instructions? What suggestions do you have to further improve the instructions, if any?
- What did you learn about writing from this assignment?
- How did you know if you performed the instructions correctly?
Upload your response on ELMS. It is important to be honest and provide detailed feedback. Make sure you write in complete sentences and in paragraphs.