Extended Definition First Draft Peer Review Instructions


Read your partner’s extended definition draft and respond to the following questions, which you should copy and paste into the back of your partner's document. Provide your responses after each question. You may also insert comments directly into the text, but doing so does not substitute for filling out this sheet.

While some of these questions are posed in yes/no formats, the point is not to provide simply yes/no responses. Provide detailed responses. Provide examples. Ask questions. Remember to review the Peer Review Overview, which includes examples of successful and not-so-successful peer view. Furthermore, make sure you've read the two student examples that were provided on the assignment page: 1) Stem Cells/NFL, 2) DSS/UPS.

II. Peer Review in ELMS/Canvas

If you have not peer reviewed documents in Canvas before, basic instructions are found in the video below:

216 - Peer Reviews (CC) from Instructure on Vimeo.

III.  PEER REVIEW QUESTIONS (Copy and paste these into the back of your partner's document and begin answering).


  • Does the Rhetorical Situation fully develop a dynamic scenario to apply to the Extended Definition? Why or Why not?
  • Does the definition use appropriate language/rhetorical approach for intended audience?
  • What components of the term might need further research? Has this term been defined elsewhere (do a quick search and see what you find)? Depending on what you find, how is this extended definition different/unique?


  • Are there other potential important attributes of this audience that could be mentioned and then catered to in the definition?
  • What other information does this specific intended audience need to know/learn in order to more fully comprehend the primary term?
  • Which definition tactics are used and are they effective? Refer to the 11 techniques of extended definition.


  • Are paragraphs coherent and appropriate in length? Why or why not? 
  • Do sentences flow well? If not, provide examples. 
  • Has the document been carefully proofread? If you see spelling mistakes, typos or similar errors, indicate here and note them on the text itself. 
  • Does the document stay strictly within the stated word lengths?


  • Does the format work for intended use? Why or why not? 
  • Is print size large enough to be easily readable? 
  • Are consistent design elements used to emphasize information, appeal to, and guide reader?
  • Are illustrations used effectively and sufficiently?