Learning Module 3: Proposal Writing

Module 3: Proposal Writing - Establishing Problems and Identifying Solutions


In Module 3, we will work on 1) identifying real-world, accessible audiences and 2) outlining our intentions for the final project in the form of a proposal.


As described in the required readings below, there are several different types of proposals. However, the general proposal document is not to be confused/conflated with other common document types including:


Independent Work

  1. Completing the readings and videos below
  2. Taking the Module 3: Proposal Writing Quiz, based on the readings and videos

Collaborative Activities

  1. Module 3 Activity 1
  2. Module 3 Activity 3
  3. Module 3 Activity 5

Drafting the Major Assignment

1. This module will prepare you to write a proposal.

As you've noticed, this course is about the process of writing as much as anything else. With the introduction of the final project, and the preliminary step of the research proposal, we begin to tap into the real process of developing ideas within a technical/professional environment. In most cases, it is a collaborative, multi-step, and often iterative process. Including a proposal as a formal milestone/deliverable within one's project timeline helps to ensure you have the best possible idea and plan of action before actually working on the project you are interested in pursuing, be it research, business development, or anything else.

For many technical documents, your readers will actually consist of a number of different audience members. Having these different audiences/readers in mind is important at the proposal stage in order to determine the scope and general approach of the work you hope to accomplish. To help understand and organize these different groups of readers, we will refer to them as primary, secondary, and tertiary audiences. These will be covered in the readings. 


To proceed, please review the Required Readings and Videos below. Once completed, you can move on to the Quiz. As listed in the Requirements section above, you will submit a topic selection memo, and have a conference with me, before proceeding with your first draft of the Research Proposal Assignment.



"Data, Information, Knowledge" from NJIT (4:57) Links to an external site.

"Project Planning and Analysis" from Doc-to-Help (7:00) Links to an external site.

"Paragraph Structure" from Smrt English (4:26) Links to an external site.

 "Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers" from Smrt English (4:23) Links to an external site.