Transferable Skills and Career Readiness Competencies

  • Due No due date
  • Points 10
  • Questions 8
  • Time Limit None


NACE career competencies listed in an image: professional, communication, critical thinking, teamwork, technology, leadership, equity & inclusion, career & self-development

Transferable Skills are "portable skills" that you deliberately (or inadvertently, if you haven't identified them yet) take with you to other life experiences. Your transferable skills are often acquired through: 

  • a class (ex: an English major who is taught technical writing)
  • experience (ex: the student government representative who develops strong motivation and consensus building skills)

Some transferable skills can be used in every workplace setting (ex: organizing or public speaking) while some are more applicable to specific settings (ex: drafting or accounting).

For new college graduates, career readiness is key to ensuring successful entrance into the workforce.  Career readiness is the foundation upon which a successful career is launched.  

Based on employer feedback and research, the National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE) developed the top eight career readiness competencies, each of which can be demonstrated in a variety of ways.  This page on the NACE website defines each competency and provides sample behaviors that show students are developing that competency.

The Eight (8) Career Readiness Competencies Include:

  • Career & Self-Development
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Equity & Inclusion
  • Leadership
  • Professionalism
  • Teamwork
  • Technology

In the space provided in the quiz, write an example of how you have previously demonstrated each career readiness competency.  If you have not demonstrated a listed career readiness competency yet, please write out a plan to begin developing this competency. Each answer should be at least 4 sentences long.  

Ex: Communication: I developed oral and written communication skills as a TA for UNIV100. As a TA, I presented a topic each week to the class. I presented on a campus office or resource to an audience of new incoming freshmen that didn't know the campus. This required me to make sure they knew related information to find the resource or service. As a TA, I also replied to emails assisting the students with questions about the class and assignments. In these emails I clearly communicated instructions or helped students find a resource on-campus to answer their question.



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