CoastWatch Data Portal


The data portal provides visualization of CoastWatch oceanographic satellite data. Layers (from different dates) can be viewed simultaneously and the associated data file (NetCDF) downloaded for local analysis.  The portal has a number of useful features.  These notes are to help acquaint new users with some of the top level features so their initial experiences are successful.

Upon opening, the portal will display a map background overlaid with S-NPP True Color and the global gap-filled VIIRS DINEOF 9km Chlorophyll-a product. These layers and more can be toggled on/off under the "CoastWatch Data Layers" panel.   There is an exception to the default layers.  During the Atlantic Ocean hurricane season,  the portal may be in 'Storm Watcher' mode where the current hurricane forecast track and cone-of-uncertainty will be displayed on the most recent GOES-16 GeoColor imagery (updated in 10 minute increments). 

The date for the display can be set under the "Date/Calendar Panel" (after choosing your dates, remember to click "Apply" to set the request). 

Gridded or mapped data can be downloaded as a full extent or subset dataset in NetCDF. Level-1/-2 data are only available as a full extent dataset.

Help and tutorials are provided to illustrate the functionality of the portal.