Lecture: Introduction to CW Data Portal

The CoastWatch Data Portal is the collection of services used in data distribution:  HTTPS, THREDDS, and ERDDAP.  Tying these services together is an interactive Map Viewer that enables a user to access and visualize data prior to use. 

CoastWatch Data Portal Map Viewer: https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw_html/cwViewer.html Links to an external site.

Map Viewer Introductory Tutorial: https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw_html/cwViewer.html Links to an external site.

Lecture Outline:

        1. CoastWatch Services:  HTTPS, FTP, ERDDAP, THREDDS
        2. Overview of portal and controls
          1. Layout
            1. Information 'banner'   -- Reference Date [shows date of displayed image];  Cursor Lat/Long.
            2. Menu
            3. Map controls
            4. Panels - clicking the title will collapse/expand the panel
              1. Date
              2. Active Layers  [https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw_html/cw_spt/aio/videos/portal_video_activelayers.mp4 Links to an external site.]
              3. CoastWatch Data Layers
              4. Reference Layers
              5. Search Results
              6. Info
              7. Legend + Layer Tools
          2. Data
            1.   sea surface temperature Coral Reef Watch SST (1985-present)  
            2.   Chlorophyll S-NPP VIIRS Chlorophyll-a 4km (SCI, weekly)  
            3.   seascapes
            4.   geostrophic currents Geostrophic Currents (NRT) 
            5.   sea surface height anomaly Sea Level Anomaly (NRT)
            6. sea surface salinity SMOS Salinity (3-day)  
          3. General usage (https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw/sites/default/files/DataPortal_HowTo.mp4)
            1. Single Date vs. Date Range - 
            2. CoastWatch Data Layers
              1. Image Layers: True Color
              2. Data Overlays
                1. Level-1/-2
                  1. Orbits
                    1. Polar:  https://geoxc-apps.bd.esri.com/space/satellite-explorer/#norad=43013 Links to an external site.
                    2. Geo:  https://geoxc-apps.bd.esri.com/space/satellite-explorer/#norad=41866 Links to an external site.
                  2. Sun Glint
                  3. Coverage
                2. Reference Data
              3. Mapped Data (Parameters)
                1. Video https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw_html/cw_spt/aio/videos/portal_video_loading.mp4 Links to an external site.
          4. Usage Scenarios
            1. Compare resolution or gridding
              1. 5km vs 2km SST
            2. Compare same day,  multi-parameter
              1. Layer Tools - Gulf Stream and Eddies
            3. Compare different days (Active Layers)
              1. Date Range 
                1. Video - https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw_html/cw_spt/aio/videos/portal_video_date.mp4 Links to an external site.
              2. Images show for start date
            4. Used for Searching for L2 / regional products
              1. Obtaining Data (NetCDF)
                1. Mapped data  
                  1. Video - https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw/sites/default/files/DataPortal_Imagery.mp4 Links to an external site.
                2. L2 data 
                  1. Video - https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw/sites/default/files/DataPortal_Level2Search.mp4 Links to an external site.
            5. Data download / Shopping Cart
              1. Video https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw_html/cw_spt/aio/videos/portal_video_download.mp4 Links to an external site.
              2. Video - https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw_html/cw_spt/aio/videos/portal_video_shoppingcart.mp4 Links to an external site.
            6. Point Time Series - Coral Reef Watch SST (1985-present)  
          5. Tags / CSV data
            1. Services 
            2. Example pulled from ERDDAP
            3. Cow Nose Ray
          6. Activity:  
            1. Using either your own data or the provided dataset (cow nose rays),  explore any potential relationships between the data and satellite environmental parameters.  
            2. Make a map;  post to slack channel (optional)
          7. Resources
            1. Overview Web Page / Intro Tutorial:  https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw/dataportal.html Links to an external site.
            2. Map Viewer: https://coastwatch.noaa.gov/cw_html/cwViewer.html Links to an external site.

        Datasets to highlight.